Melancholia (2011)

Directed by Lars von Trier and Starred by Kirsten Dunst. Melancholia (2011) tells the story of a wedding placed in a high society that unfortunately takes place almost at the same time of the world's end.
The column in the movie is how the wedding trascends into the social relationship of the characters and two sisters and how usually people tend to think that the universe spins around them.  Making of World's end into a subjective and phisical ironical event. At the end Is not about the plot; which is very simple, is what it happens in the center of it. Prove that the movie is very well directed, written and produced.
The captain recommend it to watch it on Blu-Ray ;)
What's cool?
  • The dialogues are natural and combined with the steady cam style it makes you to feel as a witness of real events
  • Lars von Trier it's a very visual director. The main parts of the movie are explained visually while the dialogues only follow as a complement. In other words dialogues and visual effects are orchestrated
  • The music goes perfect with everything that happens
  • It has ironical situations 
4 out of 5 funky stars


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