Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) it is an action horror movie. Based on the fantasy novel with the same name written by Seth Grahame-Smith author of Pride and Prejudice zombie. This movie is directed by the super slow motion exploiter Timur Bekmambetov and produced by Tim Burton which it seems that he didn't have much to do in the movie than giving out some money so, if you hate him don't worry about it or, if you love him this is not one of his movies (sorry guys aaw).
This movie is completely underrated, the character and the movie is not pretentious as almost people seems to think.
Action packed and excelent effects, what it looks like CGI is not, actually are super slow motion effects and tricks in some cases.
Classy "heroe destroying monsters plot" but the writters knew about this so the peace of the story fastforwards to feature what everyone should concern about the vampire hunting and the historical facts combined with fantasy which is the part that makes you to want to read the novel.
The captain recommends it for rental. the vampire hunter president in Blu-ray 3D will give you that boring weekend weekday moments of fun and create interest in knowing of that part of american history better.
3 out 5 Funky Stars


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