Who is Pepe the Frog? A doctoral thesis research

It was reported that Pepe the frog or the sad frog was born as a Boy’s Club, a comic created by Matt Furie. This comic started to circle around 2005 on MySpace.
So we went Deep into the water and searched for this Boy’s Club comic and this is what we found.
Resultado de imagen para pepe the frog comic

In an interview for Vice the creator of the comic in which our friendly Pepe appears in 2015, he said he stopped drawing the comics about Pepe “three years ago”; so that is four years from now (because yes, we are in 2016, duh!) The comic artist, started noticing the popularity of Pepe when the phrase that made the character popular started appearing as a hashtag in the world of social networks.
As we know now the character and #feelsgoodman started loosing its context, this means that the character started to come alive and bring its own universe. and use. Matt doesn’t seem to care about the now “public domain” use of Pepe as a MEME, and actually he is doesn’t feel that the internet stole him, he is actually taking advantage of the creativity of every version of Pepe to create new stuff for his own.
But in this way we can understand that Pepe wasn’t as offensive as is today, which in some places like in Argentina is considered a symbol of hate.
Pepe “el sapo” has been seen as a an authoritarian politician that caused a second world war, this representation was made by giving Pepe a moustache. And, what about Pepe commiting some race crimes by dressing as a triple K member.
Now that we know the truth about Pepe we only have to questions to solve. How politically incorrect can Pepe become? And Which is your favorite Pepe version?

We couldn’t decide so here is a select choice of Pepe the frog.
Resultado de imagen para pepe the frog comic
Resultado de imagen para pepe the frog comic

And remember,

The frontiers are made by man, so paths too!


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