Close up: Charlotte Gainsbourg

An actress, singer, composer, model and proud mother. Born in England by French parents. Daughter of Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin.

Ought to her life surrounded by the stage lights, started her career at the age of 14. Her first appearance in a movie was in the french movie Paroles et musique. Not only as an actress started young, during this years she appeared in the album called Charlotte forever, where she has duets with her father.

Nowadays, she is very recognized by her artistic work with the cinematographer Lars von Trier and his Depression trilogy (Antichrist, Melancholy, Nymphomaniac.) However, most of her roles in the movies, are usullay romantic movies in different tones; from something dark like in the movie Suspicion or something more colorful, like her most recent role in Samba.

In music, she breaths out her passion for romanticism on her lyrics like his father used to, with the experimental creativity in sound like a soft rock band would do like Pink Floyd. With one album produced by Beck and one live album, this woman shows her beauty noy only infront of the cameras, but also with her voice.


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