Allied (2016)

Allied it is a thriller/drama movie directed by the master of Hollywood cinema Robert Zemeckis.

It has a duration of two hours and four minutes so get your popcorn, sit back and have fun!

In the era of the German occupation at France, in the second World war, there was an experienced Canadian spy named Max Vatan (Brad Pitt), who was assigned to a special mission into Casa Blanca where he has to find a woman dressed in purple and by ‘following the humming bird’.

When Marianne Beauseiour (Marion Cotillard) and Max Vatan met they understood that keeping a romance with their type of job was harder than their mission.

Allied is a movie with a plot of romance in a dangerous time by setting the premises of the characters questioning themselves ‘is love harder than my duty?’ and ‘Who should I trust?’; knowing that in a spy movie this plot isn’t that original. But that is only the surface or the excuse to create scenes that will make you want to discover who is who.

This movie is considered by us, as a good example of visual story  telling that everyone should appreciate. With good color aspects, weather settings, and timing. The director can tell you more with images than with only words. For example, in the first scene, we only see Brad Pitt checking his baggage in which he shuffles between different types of passports and then he chooses the one that comes from France. With this short sequence; the viewer can understand that Brad Pitt is a spy and in the second world war because the passport had a nazi permission stamp. And this type of visual storytelling is all over the movie.

A sad moment? -Raining

A happy moment? -Colorful and shiny

Where we are at? -A picture of Winston Churchill in the back appears

So, this is a movie that maybe won’t be appreciated by the plot, but the intrigue to find the truth is there. It has basic cinematography rules that anyone should respect. Because remember that movies are about picture and sound. And when talking about dialogue, less is more.

The Captain gives this movie 3.5 stars of funkiness of 5


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